The Lease
Letter from Attorney At Law
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Sun Mei Food Market Inc. - Victim of landlord's scam
223 Centre Street, New York, NY 10013
Contact us / Feedback
Please take immediate action against Donna Chen, Nancy Yan, Hung Lukm and all other parties associated with Wah Mai Chong Trading Co., Inc., as well as 101 Maiden Lan Realty, Inc. for engaging in fraudulent practice to unjustly displace a long-time tenant.

Sun Mei Inc., an Asian grocery store at 223 Centre Street in Chinatown, faces eviction after the above-named parties introduced a fraudulent "second lease" during a non-payment trial in Civil Court of New York. After losing the trial, the owner of Sun Mei has gathered extensive forensic evidence, which shows that the "second lease" is fraudulent, and is currently appealing the court's decision.

In recent years, there has been an alarming rate of displacement of residential and commercial tenants in Chinatown. Please send a strong message that you will not tolerate landlords who seek to profit by engaging in criminal activities.

Contact us at
390 Broome Street, New York, NY 10013
(Tel) 212-334-6565 (Fax) 212-334-6566
Email - contactus@sun-mei.com